Margaret Ann Cunneyworth (1868-1898) / William Lyons (1860-????)

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William's parents: John Lyons / Jane Unknown
Source: VS marriage registration record for Margaret Ann and William6 William was born c. 1860 in Etobicoke.
Source: VS marriage registration record for Margaret Ann and William6

Margaret's parents: William Cunneyworth / Margaret Rolston
Source: VS marriage registration record for Margaret Ann and William6

Margaret was born c. March, 1868 in Chicago, Illinois.
Source1: 1871 Ontario census8 (3 years old, with parents)
Source2: VS marriage registration record for Margaret Ann and William6
Source3: 1870 US Census3b

Margaret Ann, age 29, born in Chicago, Illinois, and William Lyons, age 36, born in Etobicoke, were married in Owen Sound c. June 3, 1896. William is listed as a baggage man for the C.P.R. Religious denominations for both are both are identified as Church of England. Witnesses: Isaac L. Cunneyworth and "Mary?" Cunneyworth. The marriage was performed by Rev. James Ardill, registered 1896, registration # 004560.
Source: VS marriage registration record for Margaret Ann and William6

According to a funeral announcement, kept in brother William David's family bible (now owned by Elaine and George Jackson), Margaret Ann died in Toronto c. Sunday, Dec 18, 1898. Her funeral was held Wednesday, Dec 21, 1898 "at the residence of her father, 87 Peel St., Owen Sound". In the announcement she is described as the wife of William Lyons, eldest daughter of William Cunneyworth. Margaret was buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Owen Sound.

No children.
Deduction: Margaret Ann died just two and a half years after her wedding and no children are mentioned in her funeral announcement.

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